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Wisdom Please

“I pray that the God of our Savior Jesus Christ, the God of glory, will give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation, to bring you to a rich knowledge of the Creator. I pray that God will enlighten the eyes of your [heart and] mind so that you can see the hope this call holds for you. [Ephesians 1:17-18]

The word to the Ephesians is something I often pray for myself, “Give me a spirit of wisdom. Enlighten the eyes of my heart and mind to the hope I have in you, O God.” I ask for wisdom to lead this congregation. I ask for wisdom to navigate the complexities of life and relationships. I ask to have the eyes of my heart and mind opened to the community we are called to serve and to my actual neighbors and how I might be a vessel of hope. I know without a doubt that I do not travel alone. My resources are limited and finite, yet with God all things become possible. Thanks be to the Creator and to the Spirit and to the Sent One who showed us how to be most fully human. Have these words ever been your prayer? What wisdom are you seeking today? How do your heart and mind need opening today? Are you able to hold fast to the hope that does not disappoint? Pray this day to the God of our Savior Jesus Christ.


Holy One, thank you for the words of scripture. Thank you for your willingness to be in a relationship with me and for listening to my heartfelt needs and desires today. Yes, grant me wisdom to navigate all that is before me. Amen.

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